As of January 1, 2024, Contargo Transbox will no longer operate as a subsidiary of Contargo Waterway Logistics but will be affiliated directly to the Contargo Group and will be expanded into two separate companies operating under the names of Contargo Transbox Nederland and Contargo Transbox België.
Contargo Transbox België BV and Contargo Transbox Nederland B.V. will oversee our operations in the Benelux region, with offices in Wijnegem, Belgium, and Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands. These subsidiaries will be responsible for connections between seaports and inland ports at strategic locations, and will operate inter-terminal connections within the Rotterdam and Antwerp regions as well as between Rotterdam and Antwerp. They will coordinate daily connections between the various terminals to ensure seamless logistics.
Inland shipping activities of Contargo Transbox Nederland B.V.
Routes served |
INTRA Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Dordrecht–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–‘s Gravendeel–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Moerdijk–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Antwerp–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Vlissingen–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Terneuzen–Rotterdam |
Rotterdam–Ghent–Rotterdam |
Antwerp–Ghent–Antwerp |
Antwerp–Northern France-Antwerp |
Inland shipping activities of Contargo Transbox België B.V.
Routes served |
INTRA Antwerp |
Antwerp–BASF–Antwerp |
Rotterdam–Wielsbeke–Rotterdam |
Following the re-affiliation, customers of Contargo Transbox will receive their invoices not from Contargo Waterway Logistics but from Contargo Transbox België B.V. and Contargo Transbox Nederland B.V.
The new company details are as follows:
Contargo Transbox Nederland B.V.
Scheepmakerij 110
3331 MA Zwijndrecht
KvK: 90543408
BTW-nr.: NL865354868B01
Email: info.ctb.nl(at)contargo.net
Bank: Commerzbank AG, Amsterdam
IBAN: NL59COBA0637068416
Contargo Transbox België B.V.
Stokerijstraat 27
B-2110 Wijnegem
Ondernemingsnummer: 0561.917.535
BTW-nr.: BE0561917535
Email: info.ctb.be(at)contargo.net
Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis
IBAN: BE66001927491343
Your contacts:
Carsten Borchers
+31 (0)78 6254 686
Henri Honkoop
+31 (0)78 6254685
Sales and operations Belgium:
Johan Bijl
+32 (3) 652 10 04
Sales and operations Netherlands:
Dennis Verschoor
+31 (0)78 6254 681