Following the approval of the antitrust authorities, Contargo is now officially a new co-partner of the Dutch rail operator DistriRail B.V.
Until 1 January 2024, duisport and Van Donge & de Roo B.V. each held a 50 percent interest in DistriRail. Now the shares are distributed equally into one third each for Contargo, duisport and Van Donge & de Roo B.V. In future the company will be managed by all three partners on an equal basis and will have an independent board.
“By our participation in DistriRail, we are very happy to be additionally strengthening the area of rail transport at Contargo. We have been both a customer and a service provider for DistriRail for many years now – thus a cooperation at partnership level was a logical next step, and one that will especially benefit our customers”, says Thomas Löffler, Managing Director of Contargo GmbH & Co.KG. “Together with our co-partners we are planning a significant increase in the number of round trips on the Rotterdam-Duisburg connection in the next few years.”
By strengthening the climate-friendly transport mode of rail and improving the modal split, Contargo is also actively supporting sustainable mobility.