A bidding consortium composed of container hinterland logistics network Contargo, SFI GmbH and the Ziegler Group has been successful in a Europe-wide call for tender for operation of the new bimodal container terminal in Straubing-Sand. On 30 August the bidders’ newly-founded joint enterprise, Contargo Combitrac Straubing-Sand GmbH, signed the business lease agreement for the terminal. The contract for terminal operation is expected to run from the second quarter of 2025.
The facility will be constructed by Port Straubing-Sand on an area of approximately 50,000 square metres. The construction phase has already begun; building completion and commencement of operation are planned for the second quarter of 2025. In future, up to ten trains per week will call at the new terminal. Goods for transport, primarily containers, will then be transhipped, i.e. lifted from road to rail by mobile handling equipment. Up to twenty jobs will be created at the location.
The efficient and modern CT facility will enhance the attractiveness of the Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate region for firms planning to settle. In the bidding consortium’s opinion logistics enterprises especially, but also the production industry, appreciate the advantages of such terminals; at a time when there is a growing shortage of truck drivers, CT terminals provide more reliability in transport while also reducing transport costs.
The Straubing-Sand location will offer space for the storage of up to 1,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units, 20ft containers) and expansion would even be possible into adjacent areas. If the capacities of the location do not suffice, Contargo can provide support with its 24 terminals.
Photo (from l. to r.): Gerhard Schönbucher, Head of Property, Planning and Technics, Hafen Straubing-Sand GmbH, Benedikt Rupp, Head of Network Development, Contargo GmbH & Co.KG, Jörg Schubert, Managing Director Contargo Combitrac Straubing-Sand GmbH, Andreas Sandner, Managing Director Ziegler Holding GmbH, Markus Schmid, Managing Director SFI GmbH, Thomas Löffler, Managing Director Contargo GmbH & Co.KG, Andreas Löffert, Managing Director Hafen Straubing-Sand GmbH (© Contargo )