Business News

Business News Business News
Surcharges for rail products due to reduction in track access charge subsidies

The track access charge subsidy has been cut by at least €120 million this year, despite renegotiations of the 2024 federal budget.

Business News
Update: Agricultural Protest Actions in the Port of Antwerp

Agricultural protests are causing traffic disruptions in the Port of Antwerp. Approximately 500 tractors are blocking almost all access roads around the port.

UPDATE: Congestion in Antwerp and Rotterdam
Business News
UPDATE: Congestion in Antwerp and Rotterdam

At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:

Antwerp: 23 hours

Rotterdam: 36 hours

UPDATE: Congestion in Antwerp and Rotterdam
Business News
UPDATE: Congestion in Antwerp and Rotterdam

At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:

Antwerp: 28 hours

Rotterdam: 33 hours

Business News
Up-date Farmers' Protests Belgium:

Protesting farmers block several border crossings with the Netherlands on Belgian territory. The border crossing of the A67 at Eersel, the A16 at Hazeldonk and the A4 at Markiezaat are closed on the Belgian side.