UPDATE: Congestion in Antwerp and Rotterdam
At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:
Antwerp: 84 hours
Rotterdam: 76 hours
At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:
Antwerp: 84 hours
Rotterdam: 76 hours
At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:
Antwerp: 70 hours
Rotterdam: 76 hours
At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:
Antwerp: 67 hours
Rotterdam: 57 hours
On the railroad between the Netherlands and Germany, the container trains, which link Rotterdam to Duisburg and vice versa, will be redirected via Venlo. This deviation engender extra costs that we are obliged to charge in addition.