Deurganck Dock Update

In the Port of Antwerp the Deurganck Dock area is still closed to shipping. All requested slots for Sunday and Monday have provisionally been postponed to Tuesday.

Terminals affected:

  • 1700
  • 1742
  • 1718

Vessels affected:

  • 394248 / xxxxxxx – Covano
  • 394502 / 394471 – St. Antonius
  • 394188 / 394310 – Aquapolis
  • 394558 / 394589 – Dilsberg
  • 394156 / xxxxxxx – Metropolis
  • 394805 / xxxxxxx – Napoli
  • 394670 / 394685 – Contargo I
  • 394619 / 394629 – Vision


More information at: