The High Water situation on the Rhine is now becoming less acute. The water level is going down at most of the gauges; only on the Upper Rhine are levels still rising slightly.
On the Upper Rhine, the level at the Maxau Gauge has again risen moderately to a level between 810 and 830 cm (peak level: 829 cm). Downstream from the confluence of the Neckar, peak High Water levels were reached in the course of last night. On the Middle Rhine, the water levels will continue to rise until Thursday.
Possible closures:
Kaub (section between Lorch – Bad Salzig) – Closure from 04.06. to 05.06.*
Bingen (section between Eltville – Lorch) –Closed from 04.06. to 05.06.*
Worms (section between Ludwigshafen– Gernsheim) – Closed from 02.06 to 05.06.*
Mannheim (section between Mannheim-Rheinau – Mannheim-Sandhofen) – Ges Closed from 03.06. to 05.06.*
Maxau (section between Iffezheim – Germersheim) Closed from 01.06. to 06.06.*
*Due to the changing dynamics and uncertainties of the rain forecast, no reliable predictions regarding peak water levels (maximum water levels to be expected in this high water episode) can be calculated at present for many gauges covered by the forecasts of the Flood Forecasting Centre (HVZ).
Barges affected:
Upper Rhine fleet:
- 394619 – Vision – At present in Breisach am Rhein (downstream trip)
- 394670 – Contargo I – At present in Breisach am Rhein (downstream trip)
- 394680 – Panerai I+II – At present in Düsseldorf. Will continue to Cologne (upstream trip)
- 394675 – Statendam – At present in Emmerich. Will continue to Cologne (upstream trip)
Rhine/Neckar (Middle Rhine)
- 393419 – Millennium – At present in Ludwigshafen (empty)
- 394338 – Metropolis – At present in destination port Ludwigshafen. Worms and Koblenz still on board, not unloaded due to crane defect and will be unloaded on downstream trip)
- xxxxxxx – Napoli – At present in Ludwigshafen (empty)
- 394449 – Ardito I+II – At present in Mannheim (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip)
- 393327 – Cugini – At present in Köln (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip) – will continue today to Koblenz.
- 393449 – Vigila – At present in Andernach (Import Worms/Mannheim/Ludwigshafen) (upstream trip) – will continue to Koblenz.
- 393602 – Stolzeneck – At present in Gustavsburg (Import Frankfurt) (upstream trip)
- 394400 – Dilsberg – At present in port of destination (Import Frankfurt) (empty)
- 393572 – Trifels – At present in port of destination Frankfurt Osthafen (empty)
We will inform you with regard to your bookings if your containers are affected by closures.
If you have any questions and/or require more information, our personnel will be pleased to help you.
Photo: Shutterstock/Dominique Uhe