The High Water situation on the Rhine continues to improve. At present all water levels throughout the country are falling.
On the Upper Rhine the water level at the Maxau gauge peaked on 2.6. at 14:30 at a level of 8.29 m, one of the highest in five years. There was another, smaller peak on 5.6. at 00:00, reaching a level of 8.16 m. According to the calculations of present forecasts, the level will fall below High Water Mark II (7.50m), the level relevant for shipping, on Friday 7.6.
However, present forecasts predict more rainfall for the Alpine region and the southern half of Baden-Württemberg at the coming weekend. As a result, levels at Maxau are expected to rise again above High Water Mark II.
The closures Kaub/Bingen are lifted as from now, and the Rhine is open to shipping again.
The lock at Kostheim is closed due to high water on the Rhine until 07.06., 13:00 pm.
Maxau (section between Iffezheim – Germersheim) closed since 01.06., probably until 07.06.,
00:00 am – 18:00 pm
Barges affected:
Upper Rhine fleet
- 394619 – Vision – continuing to Iffezheim (downstream trip)
- 394670 – Contargo I – continuing to Iffezheim (downstream trip)
- 394680 – Panerai I+II – At present in Bonn (upstream trip)
- 394675 – Statendam – At present in Bonn (upstream trip)
Rhine/Neckar (Middle Rhine)
- 393419 – Millennium (downstream trip)
- 394338 – Metropolis (downstream trip)
- 394805 – Napoli – (downstream trip)
- 394449 – Ardito I+II – At present in Mannheim (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip)
- 393327 – Cugini – At present in Bonn (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip) – will continue to Ludwigshafen
- 394799 – Futuro – At present in Bonn (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip) – will continue to Ludwigshafen
- 394492 – St. Antonius I+II in Boppard (Import Wörth / Karlsruhe) (upstream trip) will continue to Ludwigshafen
- 393449 – Vigila – At present in Kaub (Import Worms/Mannheim/Ludwigshafen) (upstream trip)
The lock at Kostheim is closed due to high water on the Rhine until 07.06, 13:00 pm.
- 393602 – Stolzeneck – At present in Gustavsburg (Import Frankfurt) (upstream trip)
- 394558 – Dilsberg – At present in Frankfurt Osthafen (empty) – Export Friday
- 393511 – Trifels – At present in Frankfurt Osthafen (empty) – Export Friday
We will inform you with regard to your bookings if your containers are affected by closures.
If you have any questions and/or require more information, our personnel will be pleased to help you.
Photo: Shutterstock/Dominique Uhe