Due to heavy rainfall, with the forecast of more heavy rain and thunderstorms to come, there is increased danger of High Water on the Rhine.
Most weather models indicate that, in the case of the state of Baden-Württemberg, it will be particularly the eastern half of the state that will be affected by this weather situation. A - probably smaller - flood is also developing in the Upper Rhine and High Rhine areas.
In the affected waters, very significant and rapid rises in water levels are expected from Friday onwards. Due to the aforementioned uncertainties, only the beginning of the flood rise can be predicted for some of the gauges, but it is currently not possible to make sufficiently reliable estimates of the expected peak water level.
Maxau (stretch between – Iffezheim – Germersheim) closure on June 02nd from 6 am to 0 pm.
Kaub (stretch between – Lorch – Bad Salzig) possible closure on Monday/Tuesday.
The following vessels are affected:
- 394619 – Vision – currently in Basel (downstream) – loading on Friday (export).
- 394665 – Gerard Albert II – currently in Basel (downstream) – loading on Friday (export) – depart on time, passage depends on the locks
- 394670 – Contargo I – currently in Basel (downstream) – loading on Friday.
- 394449 – Ardito I+II – currently in Neuss (upstream). Sails to Mannheim (import Wörth / Karlsruhe)
- 393327 – Cugini – currently in Rotterdam (upstream). ETD on June 02nd about 1 pm. It is uncertain whether the Cugini will reach Kaub before Monday evening.
We will keep you informed about further developments.
Photo: Shutterstock/Dominique Uhe