Software development
COLA (Contargo Open Logistics Apps)

Logistics in action: Our technology approach

Logistics and information are inextricably linked. At Contargo, information is just as important as the physical transportation of goods. That's why whenever possible and reasonable, we choose not to outsource the development and operation of our applications to external partners. Our employees have internalised their jobs, and they are the best people to identify the tools we need to carry out our daily business efficiently.

A user-centric approach

We use the knowledge of our employees in the form of "user stories". In accordance with the agile approach to development – particularly the SCRUM model – we actively involve our employees in the shaping of our software landscape. This allows us to develop tailored solutions for our teams and customers that are designed from the point of view of the user while taking into account higher-level corporate goals.

Agility and flexibility

When implementing software changes, further developments and new projects, we follow the principles of the SCRUM model without being strictly tied to it. Our primary objective is to split the complex requirements of container handling into easy-to-handle modules. This method reduces complexity, makes adjustments easier to understand for users, and allows business-related and technical problems to be addressed more intensively from all sides. Short development cycles increase controllability and transparency, while the modular structure facilitates the reusability of components.

Seamless integration and communication

A powerful integration layer enables the interlinking of systems relevant for planning and operational implementation in shipping, sales and terminal control activities. At the same time, we offer continuous monitoring and support for data exchange via existing connections. Inland, we mainly process electronic transport orders from customers and deliver real-time status notifications about individual container shipments or generate PDF/EDIFACT invoices. Our automated communication with seaports involves sending electronic notifications about the pick-up and delivery of containers, thus ensuring that containers arrive at the end customer's location at the promised time.

COLA Visions Ablaufgrafik


COLA-Contargo Open Logistics Apps - a self-created, unified operating system landscape. It currently consists of over 30 apps that are already improving our complex operational processes and will lead us into the future.

Free and independent

Empowered by open source: we respond flexibly and directly, continuously adapting to changes in the logistics market and customer requirements. We develop and optimize our system continuously.

High level connection

A cross-location, unified system with maximum flexibility for over 20 terminals, 7 service offices, and more than 1,200 employees and service providers. Enables seamless synchronization of all players and interfaces.

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