Contargo Area West | pdf
We are your point of contact for container transport operations in the Hauts-de-France region. Via our trimodal terminal, we link the industrial west of France with the Antwerp and Rotterdam seaports. Located directly on the Scheldt, our terminal facilitates the smooth handling of cargo between barges and lorries. Whether standard, hazardous goods or reefers, your containers are in safe hands with us.
Located on a secure site in the vicinity of Valenciennes, our facility has automated processes that ensure fast and efficient lorry processing. Our container crane located at a berth for barges and a rail track facilitates fast handling.
As well as transport and handling, we render many other services for your containers, such as stuffing and stripping, maintenance and repairs.
Our scheduled services to Antwerp, Rotterdam, Terneuzen and Dunkirk are good arguments in favour of barges. We would be delighted to convince you of the advantages of water transport for your transport operations. We look forward to answering your enquiry and providing support for your transport project.
10 rue du port fluvial
59860 Bruay sur l’Escaut
10 rue du port fluvial
59860 Bruay sur l’Escaut
Phone: +33 3 27 21 99 45
E-mail: info.cces(at)contargo.net
Gilbert Bredel | Managing Director | Address: Tel: +33 3 27 21 48 20 |
Sales | Phone: +33 3 27 21 4820 Mail: sales.cnf(at)contargo.net |
General | Phone: +33 3 27 21 9945 Mail: service.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Customs | Phone: +33 3 27 21 9945 Mail: customs.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Container Sale & Lease | Phone: +33 3 27 21 4820 Mail: containersales.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Inland Waterways | Phone: +33 3 27 21 3511 Mail: barge.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Trucks | Phone: +33 3 27 21 4821 Mail: trucking.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Depot | Phone: +33 3 27 21 9949 Mail: depot.cnf(at)contargo.net |
M&R | Phone: +33 3 27 21 9949 Mail: repair.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Depot | Phone: +33 633 15 1625 Mail: terminal.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Invoicing | Phone: +33 3 27 21 9948 Mail: accounting.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Purchase | Phone: +33 3 27 21 4820 Mail: purchase.cnf(at)contargo.net |
Office | Monday to Friday 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00 |
Terminal | Monday to Friday 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00 |
Modes of transport | Barge, truck, train |
Storage capacity in TEU | 2,300 |
Number of berths / quay length | 1 / 100 m |
Number of rail tracks / length | 1 / 200 m |
Crane capacity | 1 |
Mobile equipment | 2 |
Stuffing, stripping | Yes |
Maintenance, repairs | Yes |
Reefer connection (terminal) | Yes |
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes | 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 For the permitted classes on individual transport operations see imtis.contargo.net |
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes at most for 24 hours | - |
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ | - |
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ | On request |
Standards | ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AEO |
Connection to the water line network | Escaut Valenciennes Terminal |
Rail connection | - |
Rail connections | - |
Barge connections | 2-3x per week Rotterdam 5x per week Antwerp 1x per week Terneuzen 1x per week Dunkirk |
Contargo North France SAS
10 rue du port fluvial
59860 Bruay-sur-L'Escaut
Phone: +33 3 27 21 99 45
Fax: +33 3 27 21 99 46
E-mail: info.cces(at)contargo.net
Web: www.contargo.net
Managing directors authorised to represent: Gilbert Bredel, Thomas Löffler
Registered office: Bruay sur l’Escaut (France)
Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: FR47414208959
Solely French law applies · Valenciennes is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction
The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel
© Contargo GmbH & Co. KG 2012
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