Track plan harbour railway | pdf
We are your container specialists in the Lower Rhine region. Our terminal in Emmerich near the Dutch border is closer to the western ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp than any other German inland port. Travelling from Emmerich to Rotterdam takes just 12 hours, while Antwerp can be reached in 14 hours.
At our trimodal terminal boasting two container gantry cranes and storage capacity in excess of 4,000 TEU, we set standards for speed and creativity in organising and managing your container traffic. An efficient and reliable transport process is ensured by way of high-frequency barge connections and fixed-window agreements with all the relevant terminals in the western ports.
Thanks to our favourable geographical location, our terminal taps the sales markets in the Lower Rhine, Rhine-Ruhr and Münsterland as well as the neighbouring Dutch regions of Liemers and Achterhoek.
Our current terminal extension of 9,000 square metres gives you wide-ranging options in respect of depot and storage activities.
Our portfolio is rounded off by professional hazardous goods and reefer handling and additional services for your containers such as value-added services or repairs.
You won’t get lost in the crowd with us. Plot a course for the port of Emmerich and we will find the right solution for your transport operations.
Werftstraße 6
D-46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Werftstraße 6
D-46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Phone: +49 2822 9245 0
Mail: info.emmerich(at)contargo.net
Michael Mies | Managing Director | Phone: +49 2822 9245 14 Mail: mmies(at)contargo.net |
Sascha Noreika | Managing Director | Phone: +49 281 460987 10 Mail: snoreika(at)contargo.net |
Stefan te Boekhorst | Phone: +49 2822 9245 11 Mail: steboekhorst(at)contargo.net |
Phone: +49 2822 9245 12 Mail: sales.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
General | Phone: +49 2822 9245 27 Phone: +49 2822 9245 16 Phone: +49 2822 9245 31 Phone: +49 2822 9245 42 Phone: +49 2822 9245 23 Mail: barge.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
Inland waterways | Phone: +49 2822 9245 32 Mail: Rotterdam.emmerich(at)contargo.net Antwerpen.emmerich(at)contago.net |
Trucks | Phone: +49 2822 9245 33 Mail: trucking.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
Rail | Phone: +49 2822 9245 11 Phone: +49 2822 9245 32 Phone: +49 2822 9245 35 Mail: rail.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
Depot | Phone:+49 2822 9245 26 Mail: depot.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
M&R | Phone: +49 2822 9245 17 Mail: repair.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
Invoicing | Phone: +49 2822 9245 22 Mail: accounting.emmerich(at)contargo.net |
Office | Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 19:00 |
Terminal | Monday to Friday from 5:00 to 21:00, Saturday from 7:00 to 13:00 (on request) |
Modes of transport | Barge, truck, train |
Storage capacity in TEU | 4,500 |
Number of berths / quay length | 2 / 250 m |
Number of rail tracks / length | 2 / 250 m |
Crane capacity | 2 |
Mobile equipment | 6 |
Stuffing, stripping | Via local partners |
Maintenance, repairs | Yes |
Reefer connection (terminal) | Yes |
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes | 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 8, 9 For the permitted classes on individual transport operations see imtis.contargo.net |
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes at most for 24 hours | - |
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ | - |
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ | - |
Standards | ISO 14001, ISO 9001, AEO-F, ISO 50001 |
Connection to the water line network | Rhine km 851,6 |
Rail connection | AGL Emmerich Port |
Barge connections | Regular fixed-window connections from and to Antwerp and Rotterdam |
Rail connections | - |
Contargo Rhein-Waal-Lippe GmbH
Werftstraße 6
D-46446 Emmerich
Phone: +49 2822 9245 0
Fax: +49 2822 9245 45
Managing directors authorised to represent: Michael Mies, Sascha Noreika
Registered office: Emmerich - Kleve Local Court (“Amtsgericht”) 21 - HRB 3058
Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: DE 178640889
German law applies · Emmerich is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction
The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel
© Contargo GmbH & Co. KG 2012
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Track plan harbour railway | pdf
Operating instructions | pdf