Welcome to Contargo Rhine-Neckar at the Ludwigshafen Terminal!
We are your trimodal container service provider in the region. Our two Contargo Rhine-Neckar terminals at Kaiserwörthhafen in Ludwigshafen and Handelshafen in Mannheim complement each other perfectly. Together they are key interfaces for container transport operations between the western seaports, the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and the European hinterland. We serve our customers in Rhineland-Palatinate in particular via our terminal in Ludwigshafen for traffic reasons.
For us, trimodal means perfecting the transition between ship and truck as well as rail and lorry. In Ludwigshafen, we focus on handling barges. To that end we have two barge berths, three container cranes and four railway tracks at our disposal.
Furthermore, we offer you a comprehensive service: We store your empty containers and, on request, deal with cleaning, qualified repairs, maintenance and servicing. We are familiar with all container types and store hazardous goods containers of various classes and reefers.
Our experts plan your container round trips and deal with customs clearance. We also sell and rent out used containers.
You can rely on our wealth of experience and expertise. Please contact us and give us the opportunity to jointly find a solution for your transport operation!
Fast Gate – register your truck in advance and save time.
- Register free of charge in the portal
- Select the visiting period and terminal
- Enter the registration number of the tractor/chassis and add containers
- Save the data
- You will receive the visiting number directly and there is no need to perform a self-check-in on site
Go directly to the login here:
Contargo Rhine-Neckar GmbH
Shellstraße 5
67065 Ludwigshafen
Shellstraße 5
67065 Ludwigshafen
Phone: +49 621 59007 0
E-mail: info.crn(at)contargo.net
Marco Speksnijder | Managing Director | Phone: +49 621 59007 303 E-mail: mspeksnijder(at)contargo.net |
Thomas Weppler | Terminal Manager | Phone: +49 621 59007 130 E-mail: tweppler(at)contargo.net |
Petra Reindl | Assistant | Phone: +49 621 59007 301 E-mail: preindl(at)contargo.net |
Monir El Khiari | Technical Manager | Phone: +49 621 59007 434 E-mail: melkhiari(at)contargo.net |
Import | Mail: csbarge-imp.rhein-neckar(at)contargo.net |
Export | Mail: csbarge-exp.rhein-neckar(at)contargo.net |
Rail | Mail: csrail.rhein-neckar(at)contargo.net |
Customer Service
Equipment Control
Depot | Phone: +49 621 59007 150 E-mail: depot.rhein-neckar(at)contargo.net |
M&R | Phone: +49 621 59007 316 E-mail: repair.rhein-neckar(at)contargo.net |
Terminal Operations
Terminal | Phone: +49 621 59007 130 E-mail: terminal.crn(at)contargo.net |
Invoicing | Phone: +49 621 59007 244 |
Terminal Information
Operating Hours
Office | Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 |
Terminal / Depot | Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 18:00 |
Deliveries and collection between Monday 6:00 and Saturday 12:00 are possible on a 24 hour basis in the case of registering via Fastgate.
Dates and Facts
Modes of transport | Barge, Truck, Rail |
Storage capacity in TEU | 8,800 |
Number of berths / quay length | 2 /450 m |
Number of rail tracks / length | 2 / 210 m and 2 / 120 m |
Crane capacity | 3 |
Mobile equipment | 3 |
Stuffing, stripping | On request |
Maintenance, repairs | Yes |
Reefer connection (terminal) | Yes |
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes | 2 (no poisonous, highly poisonous and flammable gases), 2.2, 3, 4.1 (no explosive substances), 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 (no explosive substances), 6.1, 8, 9 |
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes | 2A (no poisonous, highly poisonous or flammable gases), 2B, 3, 4.1B, 5.1C (individual review), 5.2 (no explosive substances), 6.1A, 6.1B, 6.1C, 8A, 8B, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ | Yes |
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ | Yes |
Standards | ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO, 16258, SQAS, AEO F, ISO 50001 |
Last on-site inspection by the authority | 03.11.2020 |
Malfunction journal | Citizens’ Advice Service Ludwigshafen |
Connection to the water line network | Rhine km 422 |
Rail connection | Rheingönnheim main station via TRIPORT siding |
Barge connections | 3x per week Antwerp |
Rail connections | - |
Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH
Shellstraße 5
67065 Ludwigshafen
Phone: +49 621 59007 0
Managing directors authorised to represent: Jürgen Albersmann, Marco Speksnijder
Registered office: Ludwigshafen - HRB 5223
Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: DE 813983342
German law applies · Ludwigshafen is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction
The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel
© Contargo GmbH & Co. KG 2012
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