Container Terminal Ottmarsheim


Welcome to Contargo Sàrl in Ottmarsheim!

We are your experienced partner for international container transport operations in the Grand Est region (Alsace) in eastern France. We are part of Contargo South, a network of Contargo locations in Basel, Weil am Rhein, Ottmarsheim and Strasbourg. Together we offer you trimodal container transport operations and a wide range of services at both ends of the logistics chain in the border triangle.

Whether standard containers, reefers or hazardous goods, three cranes on three railway tracks and six barge berths ensure a smooth transition between modes of transport at the terminal in Ottmarsheim.

We would also be delighted to assume the storage, maintenance and repair as well as the stuffing and stripping of your containers.

Do you have a special transport order? Your goods are in the best hands with us. Contact us today for customised advice!


Contargo Sàrl

Zone Portuaire
68490 Ottmarsheim

Zone Portuaire
68490 Ottmarsheim

Phone: +33 3 89 26 25 12
Mail: info.ottmarsheim(at)


Holger Bochow | Managing Director Phone: +41 61 639 36 40
Mail: hbochow(at)
Chris Hechinger | Managing Director Phone: +33 3 89 833 743
Mail: chechinger(at)


Terminal Information

Operating Hours

Office Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00
Terminal Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 18:00

Extended operating hours on request and by appointment during office hours.

Dates and Facts

Modes of transport Barge, truck, rail
Storage capacity in TEU 5,000
Number of berths / quay length 6 / 600 m
Number of rail tracks / length 3 / 700 m
Crane capacity 3
Mobile equipment 6
Stuffing, stripping Yes
Maintenance, repairs Yes
Reefer connection (terminal) Yes
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes 6, 8, 9
For the permitted classes on individual transport operations see
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes Hazardous goods only transport-related handling (24h) - 2, 3 on request
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ Yes 
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ -
Standards -


Connection to the water line network Rhine km 195
Barge connection 2 x per week Rotterdam and Antwerp
Rail connections On request: BWS via Weil am Rhein


Contargo SARL Ottmarsheim
Zone Portuaire
68490 Ottmarsheim

Phone: +33 3 89 26 25 12
Fax: +33 3 89 26 24 88

Managing directors authorised to represent: Jean-Marc Sabetta, Holger Bochow
Registered office: Ottmarsheim (France)

Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: FR 43328642186
German law applies ·Mullhouse (France) is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction

The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel

© Contargo GmbH & Co. KG 2012
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Downloads und Infomaterial

Container Terminal am Fluss. Großer blauer Kran. Container im Hintergrund.
Container Terminal mit großem blauen Kran und gestalpelten Containern darunter.

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