Welcome to Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe at the Terminal Wörth!
By way of our terminal in the Rhine port of Karlsruhe, we are your one-stop shop for transport operations and logistics in the region. Our terminals connect the economic regions of Southern Palatinate, Baden and Alsace (PAMINA) with the western seaports.
In Wörth, we provide an integrated service for the transport of your containers by lorry, barge and rail as well as handling at our trimodal terminals. Hazardous goods containers of various classes and reefers are also in good hands with us. As a service provider for demanding customers from the automotive sector, we have adapted our standards in line with this level for all customers.
Our terminal is one of the Contargo Group’s largest. Five barge berths, two railway tracks and three container cranes play a part in the smooth handling of your containers. Our RoRo loading ramp also enables fast and safe loading of heavy cargo and rolling or unstable freight.
We stow your goods so that they are seaworthy, and even offer stuffing and stripping for oversized and extra-wide containers. We would also be happy to assume the storage, maintenance repair of your containers.
Looking for a solution for your goods flows? Our experts are at your disposal. Contact us today and benefit from our range of services, which we will be happy to customise in line with your individual requirements.
Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH
76744 Wörth
76744 Wörth
Phone: +49 7271 9227 0
Mail: info.woerth(at)contargo.net
Andreas Roer | Managing Director | Phone: +49 7271 9227 18 Mail: aroer(at)contargo.net |
Jürgen Bähr | Director | Phone: +49 7271 9227 80 Mail: jbaehr(at)contargo.net |
Christopher Göttert | Sales Manager | Phone: +49 7271 9227 22 Mail: cgoettert(at)contargo.net |
Marco Fütterer | Project Management IT | Phone: +49 7271 9227 23 Mail: mfuetterer(at)contargo.net |
Markus Stengel | Technical Manager | Phone: +49 7271 9227 20 Mail: mstengel(at)contargo.net |
Nadine Hahn | Assistant to Managing Director | Phone: +49 7271 9227 29 Mail: nhahn(at)contargo.net |
Tatjana Seiter | HR / LZB | Phone: + 49 7271 9227 21 |
Verena Kretzschmar | Manager Operations | Phone: +49 7271 9227 24 Mail: vsitter(at)contargo.net |
Sebastian Schneider | Terminal Manager | Phone: +49 7271 9227 19 Mail: Sschneider(at)contargo.net |
Import | Mail: import.woerth(at)contargo.net |
Export | Mail: export.woerth(at)contargo.net |
Customer Service
Sales | Phone: +49 7271 9227 22 Mail: sales.woerth(at)contargo.net |
Import | Phone: +49 7271 9227 70 Fon: +49 7271 9227 75 Phone: +49 7271 9227 77 |
Export | Phone: +49 7271 9227 32 Phone: +49 7271 9227 15 Phone: +49 7271 9227 37 |
Customs/Zoll | Phone: +49 7271 9227 26 Phone: +49 7271 9227 27 |
Container Sale & Lease | Phone: +49 7271 9227 42 Phone: +49 7271 9227 44 |
Key Accounting
Barge | Phone: +49 7271 9227 74 Phone: +49 7271 9227 78 Phone: +49 7271 9227 79 Phone: +49 7271 9227 73 Phone: +49 7271 9227 69 Phone: +49 7271 9227 60 |
Truck | Phone: +49 7271 9227 10 Phone: +49 7271 9227 11 Phone: +49 7271 9227 12 Phone: +49 7271 9227 14 Phone: +49 7271 9227 16 Phone: +49 7271 9227 62 |
Rail | Phone: +49 7271 9227 74 Phone: +49 7271 9227 78 Phone: +49 7271 9227 71 Phone: +49 7271 9227 70 Phone: +49 7271 9227 77 |
Equipment Control
Depot | Phone: +49 7271 9227 34 Phone: +49 7271 9227 33 |
M&R | Phone: +49 7271 9227 20 Mail: repair.woerth(at)contargo.net |
Terminal Operations
Terminal | Phone: +49 7271 9227 23 Phone: +49 7271 9227 24 |
Barge Supervisor | Phone: +49 7271 9227 42 Phone: +49 7271 9227 44 |
Invoicing | Phone: +49 7271 9227 52 Phone: +49 7271 9227 53 Phone: +49 7271 9227 51 Phone: +49 7271 9227 59 |
Purchase | Phone: +49 7271 9227 20 Mail: purchase.woerth(at)contargo.net |
Terminal Information
Operating Hours
Office | Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 |
Terminal | Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 17:00 |
Extended operating hours on request and by appointment during office hours.
Dates and Facts
Modes of transport | Barge, truck, rail |
Storage capacity in TEU | 6,500 |
Number of berths / quay length | 3 / 350 m + 2 / 140 m, 150 m, RoRo |
Number of rail tracks / length | 2 / 266 + 2 / 323 |
Crane capacity | 3 |
Mobile equipment | 6 |
Stuffing, stripping | Yes |
Maintenance, repairs | Yes |
Reefer connection (terminal) | Yes (36) |
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes | 1.4, 2.1+2.2, 3, 4.1, 8, 9 For the permitted classes on individual transport operations see imtis.contargo.net |
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes | Yes, hazardous goods only transport-related handling |
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ | Yes |
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ | Yes |
Standards | ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, AEO-F |
Connection to the water line network | Rhine km 365 |
Rail connection | Contargo siding |
Barge connections | 4 x per week Rotterdam 4 x per week Antwerp |
Rail connections | 5 x per week Rotterdam 3 x per week Hamburg / Bremerhaven |
Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH
D-76744 Wörth
Phone: +49 7271 92 27 0
Fax: +49 7271 92 27 32
Managing directors authorised to represent: Andreas Roer, Jürgen Albersmann
Registered office: Wörth - HRB 21137
Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: DE 811136217
German law applies · Wörth is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction
The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel
© Contargo GmbH & Co. KG 2012
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