Container Terminal Emmelsum


Welcome to Contargo Rhein-Waal-Lippe at the Emmelsum port!

We are your intermodal and container specialist at the gateway to the Ruhr region. Our trimodal operations at Voerde in the Lower Rhine region are ideally located from a strategic standpoint and form the transshipment centrepiece of the rapidly expanding DeltaPort logistics hub.

The state-of-the-art container terminal, which commenced operations in 2017, boasts one container crane, two heavy-duty lifting devices, two rail tracks and two berths for 135-metre barges.

Our high-frequency fixed-window barge schedule connects the Voerde-Emmelsum port with all the relevant terminals in the western ports and ensures efficient and reliable handling.

Our source and destination areas are primarily the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region and the Lower Rhine business centres. We are also your solution-oriented service provider for hazardous goods, temperature-controlled goods, container trade and all M&R services in relation to your sea containers.

Looking for individual support? Innovative and sustainable transport solutions? Then plot a course for the Emmelsum port.

Contact Details

Contargo Rhein-Waal-Lippe GmbH

Schleusenstraße 42
46562 Voerde-Emmelsum

Schleusenstraße 42
46562 Voerde-Emmelsum

Phone: +49 281 460 987 0
Mail: info.emmelsum(at)


Sascha Noreika | Managing Director Phone: +49 2822 924 560
Mail: snoreika(at)
Michael Mies | Managing Director Phone: +49 2822 9245 14
Mail: mmies(at)


Terminal Management

Kevin Lietz

Phone.: +49 2822 924 562

E-mail: klietz(at)

Customer Service

Equipment Control


Terminal Information

Operating Hours

Office Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 18:00
Terminal Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 22:00


Dates and Facts

Modes of transport Barge, truck, train
Storage capacity in TEU 2,000
Number of berths / quay length 2 / 285 m
Number of rail tracks / length 2 / 315 m
Crane capacity 1 / 50 t
Mobile equipment 2
Stuffing, stripping Partner information
Maintenance, repairs Yes
Reefer connection (terminal) Yes
Hazardous goods handling (container) with permitted classes 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 8, 9
For the permitted classes on individual transport operations see
Hazardous goods intermediate storage facility with permitted classes at most for 24 hours Planned
Tilting chassis 20‘ / 40‘ -
Side loader 20‘ / 40‘ -
Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, AEO-F


Connection to the water line network Rhine km 813,24
Rail connection AGL Hafenbahn DeltaPort
Barge connections Regular fixed-window connections from and to Rotterdam and Antwerp
Rail connections -
Additional rail connections -


Contargo Rhein-Waal-Lippe GmbH
Werftstraße 6
D-46446 Emmerich

Phone.: +49 281 460 987 0

Managing directors authorised to represent: Michael Mies, Sascha Noreika
Registered office: Emmerich - Kleve Local Court (“Amtsgericht”) 21 - HRB 3058

Turnover tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a, German Turnover Tax Act: DE 178640889
German law applies · Emmerich is deemed the place of performance and jurisdiction

The General Terms and Conditions of Contargo GmbH & Co KG apply
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 10(3) MDStV (German State Treaty on Media Services): Frank Hommel

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Downloads and information material

Terminal Emmelsum im Morgennebel
Emmelsum Terminal in der Vogelperspektive

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